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All of our products are waterproof, stain and odor resistant! All of our necklaces are made from BioThane, an extremely durable material that feels soft and flexible, even in freezing temperatures. Our products are entirely vegan and handcrafted here in Quebec. The necklace hardware is made of stainless steel, a durable metal that does not change color.


You have the possibility to write the name and phone number of your choice, on the medal of your choice!

The kit (Necklace and engraved medal included)

  • Pour nettoyer les colliers, il suffit de frotter à l'aide d'un linge humide et du savon à vaisselle sur toute la longueur. Ensuite, essuyez avec un linge humide pour enlever l'excedant de savon. Séchez en épongeant avec un linge sec et le tour est joué ! 


  • Largeurs des colliers  

    Mini = 1/2 pouce 

    Très petit = 3/4 pouce

    Autres grandeurs = 1 pouce

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